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Selle toote ostuga saad kingiks 42.90 boonuspunkti (2.15)

Night Cream is the secret of your beauty sleep

50ml /1,69 fl Oz /245g; 50x50x138mm


Ostad endale? Säästa loodust ja loobu karbist

Hoolime loodusest ja soovime vähendada üleliigse prügi hulka. Kui oled meie toodete korduvkasutaja ja tellid isiklikuks tarbeks, siis kaalu papist ümbriskarbist loobumist. Hoiame koos loodust. ♥

The rich Night cream restores, nourishes and moisturizes the skin deeply while you sleep. The cream slows down and prevents the signs of aging, improves collagen production and restores the skin’s natural protective barriers. It also relieves inflammation, dryness and allergies.

Night cream contains algae derived effective moisturizing and anti-aging antioxidants astaxanthin and furcellaran. Plant based retinol improves the structure of the skin.


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