Day Cream that really brings out your natural glow


Ostad endale? Säästa loodust ja loobu karbist

Hoolime loodusest ja soovime vähendada üleliigse prügi hulka. Kui oled meie toodete korduvkasutaja ja tellid isiklikuks tarbeks, siis kaalu papist ümbriskarbist loobumist. Hoiame koos loodust. ♥

Our best-selling velvety and fast absorbing Day cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin deeply. The cream effectively soothes irritated, allergic and inflamed skin. The result is a fresh and radiant complexion, a more even skin tone and texture.

Day cream contains algae derived effective moisturizing and anti-aging antioxidants astaxanthin and furcellaran. Cacay oil from the Amazon rainforests adds power to the cream by boosting skins cell renewal.


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