Berrichi skincare – The power of clean beauty
Renew, nourish, protect and prevent the signs of aging with the help of Berrich natural cosmetics and the strength of your skin.

Renew, nourish, protect and prevent the signs of aging with the help of Berrich natural cosmetics and the strength of your skin.
Choose the products that suit best for you. Check out our skin care routine tutorial.
Our products’ unique recipe has been developed with the scientists of Tallinn University in Estonia. The ingredients have been tested and researched thoroughly and the effectiveness is scientifically proven.
We have combined nature’s strongest algae based antioxidants astaxanthin and furcellaria with natural super oils.
Evens out the colour and texture of skin, prevents and reduces the signs of aging.
Nourishes and protects the skin from environmental effects.
Restores the natural balance of skin – minimises blemishes and dryness, soothes inflamed and irritated skin.
Relieves allergies and psoriasis, helps to recover and fade scars.
The name of Berrichi is made up of Berit’s nickname “berri” and the word “chi”. Chi stands for life energy and soul – Berrichi awakens your skin’s natural ability to regenerate, activates your skin’s own chi.
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